According to Lauren, we have been "tagged" and now are responsible for posting 5 random/weird facts about us and five places we want to see or want to see again. Chris isn't home so I will post some of mine and he will have to add some later!Weird/Random things about
- I am an organizational freak when it comes to where i work (i.e.- my job, my kitchen and my make up) but a slob when it comes to everything else (i.e.- everywhere else in my house and my car!)- I really want a great dane but don't want their huge tail knocking everything over!
-My nick name is Dani because my dad really wanted a boy and started calling be Danny before i was born....he got stuck with a girl but kept the name!
- I can remember every face i meet but couldn't tell you any of their names.
Places Dani wants to go or wants to go back to:
- Great Barrier Reef, Australia (haven't been to)
-Chincoteague Island, Maryland (go back to...i want to see the ponies!)
- Darling Harbor, Sydney (go back to)
- A hut on a tropical island somewhere (haven't been)
- I have a metal pin in my ankle which makes going through the metal detectors at the airport a new adventure every time we fly!
- I love cherries but hate everything that is cherry flavored
- I know that if a blue ringed octupus bites you in the shallow waters or rock pools of Australia you have about 3 minutes until you stop breathing.
- Wherever Dani is willing to go (usually means it has to be a 5 star hotel)
- Pyramids in Egypt (want to go)
- Japan (have been several times)
- Oklahoma (havent been but want to visit Brad, Lauren and B Shatz Jr.)
- Treviso (a little city outside of Venice where my dad was born and grew up)