Also wanted to share some pics of Coopers new friend Hudson. Hudson's mom and dad (Lex and Josh) came over for a "puppy play-date" as Dani calls it. They are good friends and spent 4 hours chasing each other around - not Lex and Josh, Cooper and Hudson that is. We brought out 4 tennis balls for them to play with and Cooper was not a gracious host as he proceeded to take all 4 and place them strategically around himself so he could keep them all for himself. He is just like his mother, and needs to work on sharing.
we had a puppy playdate last night too! how fun. i wish that cooper and cali were friends...they would love each other... though watch out, cali is a big-time french kisser.
AH! Our dog's name is Hudson too!
Hi, I'm the Schatzels' friend from their first year at camp. I blog-stalk from their site and randomly comment on friends-of-friends ongoings. Really, I think it just encourages regular posting to know that even random people love to know what you're up to! :) <--that's there so you don't get scared.
You won't believe this, but I, too, know a dog named Cooper. This one, however, has a somewhat longer name than yours: Cooper-the-Friendly-Dog. Could it be.. could it be... that your Cooper is MY Cooper???
Ok so first, i seriously pissed myself when you clarified that the dogs, not your friends chased each other around for 4 hours. unfortunately if it was me visiting...u may have to clarify that i chased dani for 4 hours...not the dog. and second, the fact that dani's non sharing disease has been exposed is CLASSIC!!
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