Well it was a record breaking Grand Final. For those that dont know already, the Power who were being supported by Gary, myself, Kristy and Dani set a new record by being beaten by the largest margin in AFL history. Junior was happy though as he was supporting the Cats who obviously cheated and won (All the emotion can be seen in the following photos!)

A big thank you to Dani and Kristy for supporting the Power and wearing the right colors on the night, as seen here

Thanks also to Danielle who slept through the whole game. In her defense the game did start at about 12:30am and go till 4 in the morning! The girls may not have enjoyed the game but apparently the wine was good.
So fun!
Sorry your team lost...i know it hurts. :)
Is that your house? It is ADORABLE! (from what I can see) Let's see more pics! I love it!
There is no way in heck that i could watch a four hour game in the wee hours...esp. after a couple of glasses of wine! Way to go supporters!
There always has to be 1 winner and finally Geelong had their day in the sun for the first time in 44 years.
Thanks again guys for your hospitality.
FYI...i look scary in these photos...but I guess my team spirit outweighed my retardedness!
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