Wednesday, August 20, 2008

New Job

Some of you may know this already but for those that don't.... i finally said goodbye to the Executive world of the Camping Industry and in 2 weeks will start my "new" career of teaching. I am going to be teaching K-5 P.E. and Health at a great school not too far from home.
I am really excited to teach again and be on the same schedule as Dani...not to mention being able to wear shorts and sneakers to work all year. I am also going to be starting my Masters degree in Educational Leadership (leading to principal licensure), which should take around 3 years.
So the Marangon household is now officially an all Educators household (except for Cooper the lazy S.O.B. who just sleeps all day and then eats and then sleeps again).
We have both been busy with orientations, reading over curriculums and setting up classrooms but are both very excited to be finally able to eat at least 1 meal a day together!
Hope everyone is doing well and we look forward to seeing / speaking / reading about you soon.


Lauren, Jamie, and Rhys said...

CONGRATS! Funny thing...i had the weirdest dream last night. I was back at Cayuga...walking around, trying to figure out how Jamie could get a 3 month break from Lifetime Fitness but still get paid so we could work the summer at camp again! hahaha!! (pregnancy leads to WEIRD dreams). Congrats on the new job and you'll totally ROCK it!:)

lauren and brad said...

Oh, Chris! Congratulations! That is wonderful news. Although, the camp world is sadly reduced in awesome talent with your departure.
Enjoy your year! You will be amazing!

Miss you guys!

Next summer since you will both have time off, plan a westward roadtrip! :)

debi g said...

congratz chris! i am doing a masters degree in educational leadership too! where are you doing the degree? good luck with the work (especially the law part... very interesting stuff).
:) debi

Simon and Molly said...

Congrats on the new adventure. You will be an amazing teacher and it will be wonderful to be able to be on the same schedule. said...

Good luck with your contest. I love these books - can't wait for more! :)