First enjoy pics of Dani at 7 months and 8 months
And some pics of the nursery
Finally, some pics of the bathroom (before and after)
An Aussie boy meets a Jersey girl - what else is there to say?!!! Actually a lot. We met in 2000, were married in 2003 & have settled in the apex of the universe - New Jersey! Dani is a 5th grade special ed teacher & Chris is a Physical Education and Health Teacher.
great renovations and nursery!
Your nursery looks great! I am so glad you are doing so well, only a little bit to go and the little man will be here. I can't wait to see you, I'll be in NJ soon!!
1. dani, you look freakin' amazing at 8 months! so beautiful!
2. the nursery is adorable! I love it!
3. bathroom = glamorous. well done. well done.
p.s. thank you chris for posting these...i've been very patient but ANXIOUS! :)
Dani you look beautiful! Your nusery looks a LOT more done than ours! Our furniture gets delivered on monday..THANK GOD!
Baby M is going to love his new digs, i'm sure of it...great work on the bathroom chris!
dani you look gorgeous! the nursery is so cute and looks all ready to go! the bathroom came out pretty!
Hi guys. Good to see you are finaly getting some things done Chris. Dani, you look good. Pregnancy become you.
Well done on the nursery and bathroom, they look great.
I would actually like to go back to Chris complaining about snow day and having to do a little bit of shovelling.
Chris, you can always come back to Adelaide, where the maximum temperature for the past week has been 40 degrees celsius or higher. The same is predicted for the next week as well.
The highest we had was 45.7 celsius, which is 114 farenheit.
Mate, there is no snow in Adelaide, it's sooooooo hot the rocks are melting over here.
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