Tuesday, September 18, 2007

1st Real Post - hooray (Dani made me do it)

So that i am not just teasing Lauren by never updating i thought we should add a post. We went to Ocean City the week after camp, and although it rained most of the time we were able to relax on the beach for a while, which was a nice change of pace. Dani is not happy about some of these photos being published for anyone to see, but hey she doesnt know how to update/edit the blog yet, so i guess i can put up whatever i want.


lauren and brad said...

why in the world would she not be happy about the pics? she looks freakin' hot? super tan and super cool with a very handsome hubbie.

i'm so happy you got some downtime after camp...chris, you're first summer is over???? how'd it go????

Kristy Traks said...

hooray for white trash! lol omg i love white trash. i think i'll write a song about it. (fyi to those of u who are lucky enough to not know me...i'm not calling dani and chris white trash...just those mullet-sportin, slouch sock wearin', hyper color tee shirt rockin', toothless OC MD boardwalk babes!!!)

Lauren, Jamie, and Rhys said...

Good Girl Dani, gotta keep the boys in check ("Dani made me do it")! Glad to see you both happy and healthy! I miss the east coast SOO much!! We've got lakes here in MN....:(

Same question as Lauren & Brad, how was your first summer at the new camp??