Wednesday, February 27, 2008


What a game. We had the worst seats in the house (nosebleeds) and the best seats in the house (courtside) and were able to rotate between them. Overall a great night and great result. Awesome job by Gary to get the seats in the first place and good to see Kimmy, Ian and meet Rob. The pics explain the rest.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Rock Star!

So a few weeks ago we went over to our friends Lori and Nick's place to play Guitar Hero...As guitar hero virgins i was a little sceptical but Chris was ready to ROCK!! Chris was awesome of course and i made the band fail every time i picked up the guitar. So later that week Chris decided we needed to be able to ROCK whenever we wanted. One game and two guitars later we were trying to ROCK! However poor Chris was stuck with someone who lost their ROCK gene (that would be me!). Luckily, i have a friend who ROCKS 24/7...Kristy was happy to offer her ROCKING and came over to ROCK with Chris. After a little practice and a lot of concentrating i was able to ROCK a little.

OK so fast forward to last weekend...
Kristy (with the ROCK gene) and her boy toy (otherwise known as Sean) got Sing Star!! Now again i was nervous (due to my lack of the ROCK gene) but we went over to try it out. Apparently the ROCK gene is not related to the singing gene because I kicked butt!!! Everyone else did well too but really i was a star...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Good Times in the Cold Weather

You are all probably very concerned about our well being due to the record low temperatures and snow/ice/slush that we have had to endure...let me set your minds at rest....we are alive but barely!

Monday was the coldest day on record with a fantastic 8 degrees! Tuesday promised to be just as cold (and it was) but with the added joy of a snow/ice storm rolling into our area about 11 am and sticking around till about 10 am on Wednesday. In the midst of all that cold weather, snow and ice at around 3 pm on Tuesday one of the kids at my school thought it would be a good idea to pull the fire alarm. Which was wonderful because i was really thinking to myself how great it would be to stand outside in the cold, snow and ice with no jacket and a bunch of kids for 20 minutes and wait for the fire department to come and turn off the alarm! Good times....

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Because Lauren Says So....

According to Lauren, we have been "tagged" and now are responsible for posting 5 random/weird facts about us and five places we want to see or want to see again. Chris isn't home so I will post some of mine and he will have to add some later!Weird/Random things about

- I am an organizational freak when it comes to where i work (i.e.- my job, my kitchen and my make up) but a slob when it comes to everything else (i.e.- everywhere else in my house and my car!)- I really want a great dane but don't want their huge tail knocking everything over!
-My nick name is Dani because my dad really wanted a boy and started calling be Danny before i was born....he got stuck with a girl but kept the name!
- I can remember every face i meet but couldn't tell you any of their names.
Places Dani wants to go or wants to go back to:
- Great Barrier Reef, Australia (haven't been to)
-Chincoteague Island, Maryland (go back to...i want to see the ponies!)
- Darling Harbor, Sydney (go back to)
- A hut on a tropical island somewhere (haven't been)

- I have a metal pin in my ankle which makes going through the metal detectors at the airport a new adventure every time we fly!
- I love cherries but hate everything that is cherry flavored
- I know that if a blue ringed octupus bites you in the shallow waters or rock pools of Australia you have about 3 minutes until you stop breathing.

- Wherever Dani is willing to go (usually means it has to be a 5 star hotel)
- Pyramids in Egypt (want to go)
- Japan (have been several times)
- Oklahoma (havent been but want to visit Brad, Lauren and B Shatz Jr.)
- Treviso (a little city outside of Venice where my dad was born and grew up)

Carpet Update!

It has now been about two weeks since we found out the carpet was coming a bit early. In that time we moved every piece of furniture we own out of the rooms being carpeted through the halls, down the stairs, out the front door and into the garage! It felt like we were moving again. We ripped up and rolled up all the carpet and then had to clean every room because the pad had disintegrated and left 1/2 inch coatings of dust over every floor. The carpet was delivered and took over 7 hours to install (but it looked amazing)! We then had to carry everything out of the garage, back through the front door, down the hallways and back up the stairs! While i had been able to help move the stuff out of the house i killed my back doing it so poor chris moved most of the stuff back in my himself and enlisted a little bit of help for the larger items.

At the end of it all, the house looks brand new! The color is exactly what we wanted, Cooper hasn't ruined it yet and the new carpet smell is fading!

Can't wait for you all to come see it ....just remember to take your shoes off!