Saturday, April 26, 2008

Chris' deal...

Chris has been super busy getting ready for another camp season. He has been hiring tons of staff and organizing all the Teen Travel Program's trips. They have had lots of tours and new families and are doing several big renovation projects around camp so it looks like it will be another good year!


For those of you who don't teach April is budget month. Due to the changes in state funding, our school district had to cut 300 dollars per student. With 4 elementary schools, a middle school and a high school that added up real quick! Cutting money means cutting activities and jobs and that is just what they did! As a non-tenured teacher, it has been a little scary. They had their first round of cuts and I'm still here but we don't get out "You're been hired!" letters until late May so fingers crossed!! If i make it thought this year, i get tenure in September and then they are stuck with me!!!!!


Reasons why i have not posted anything months?

1. Chris hogs the computer.
2. It has been really nice out and Cooper and I have been playing outside.
3. I have a student teacher in my classroom right now and she is awesome! She is really good and I don't have to do anything right now! I spend a quite a bit of time online doing "research" and therefore don't go online much at home.
4. We are boring and I don't have much to report!!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Enough Said

Our latest update....Dani sucks at blogging.