Sunday, January 10, 2010

Finally some videos of the main attraction!

and more...


Lauren, Jamie, and Rhys said...

OH MY!!! Rhys JUST took his first steps the other day..but no where NEAR as confidently as Logan! I'm soo impressed! He's so grown up already!! You guys need to post more He's gone from newborn Logan to toddling around Logan. Such a cutie!!

Dani and Chris said...

i know he started at a little over 9 months! we haven't been too good at posting but we are going to try really hard to be better at it!

Erica and Jon said...

I love it!! He is so cute!!

Anonymous said...

That kid is an absolute riot! His grandparents must be very proud.

lauren and brad said...

OH! So cute! Thank you so much for posting these! I LOVE seeing your precious little MAN!

Miss you guys so much!

tricia said...

logan is adorable! is he climbing those stairs yet?

Dani and Chris said...

yes! he loves stairs..not so good at getting down though :o)

Dani and Chris said...

yes! he loves stairs..not so good at getting down though :o)

glen said...

he is beyond adorable!!!!!! but looks like he'll need a haircut soon :)